Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rinse and Repeat...

Feed, burp, change diaper, play, nap, change diaper, feed, burp, change diaper (again), play, getting the picture?  Oh, and throw in a constant stream of make believe play with a 4 year old and you've got yourself an action packed day!  Don't get me wrong, I do love being a stay at home mom and I consider this the highest privilege by far.  Sometimes though I feel as if my life is running on auto pilot and what I'm doing is not as significant as I'd like it to be.  While we're being honest here, (well, at least I'd like to think I can just put this out there without being judged), I feel as if the very things that should be at the center of my attention, i.e. kids, household matters, are the things that I consider "interruptions" in my pursuit of what I have often mistakenly called priorites or even worse..."ministry."  Yikes!  Anyone feel the same way, anyone?  (don't leave me hanging here!) 

There is a lesson that God has shown me time and time again over the years and it is this:  Be faithful and obedient to tend to the things that are inclusive of the season I am in and He will be faithful to open the doors that are supposed to be opened at the appropiate and divine times.  Easy enough?  I think not, otherwise the lesson would have been learned the first or even fifth time around.  As someone involved with leading worship and ministry, I have had to bite the bullet many times on this one....ouch indeed.  Recently at our church's womens' conference, our speaker Deanna Allen proposed this question: "Are we doing good things, great things, or God things?" 

There is a worship song that we often sing at our church called Center by Charlie Hall and Matt Redman.  The words of the verse are "You're the center of the universe, everything was made in You, Jesus, breath of every living thing, everyone was made for You.You hold everything together, you hold everything together" 

I like this song because first of all, it's a very simple yet clear message of what or more appropriately, Who I am to be focusing on and secondly, it reminds me that as I make Christ the center of my universe, He will hold me together.  I honor Him and He holds me together....seems like a tremendously fair deal, don't you think? 

So as I close, my son who is now 5 months old, is napping, my 4 year old daughter is happily amusing herself with her toys and my list of to do items is steadily growing...but you know, I think it's time for a tea party with that spunky preschooler and I can guarantee you there will be a diaper to be changed in the very near future.  I will take a deep breath and "serve wholeheartedly as unto the Lord" (Ephesians 6:7) and I will get up tomorrow morning and rinse and repeat...amen :)