Tuesday, July 13, 2010

14, 240 Days

14, 240 days….or you can call it 40, that’s how old I’ll be this August and quite honestly, I’m super okay with it. I come from a large family and I’m the youngest of 12 so turning 40 feels like a rite of passage into something special. Ultimately, I’m blessed and that’s the bottom line.

In preparation of the upcoming festivities, I’ve decided to start compiling a list of to-do’s that seem like good things to put a check mark next to….nothing fancy, just good things…so here it goes:

1. Plant more perennials – they just make sense…work smarter, not harder

2. Pray more, eat less – my new lifestyle slogan…I figure it’s worth a try

3. Write more letters- yes, I’m talking about the pen & paper kind

4. Relish relationships – remember that large family I mentioned before?

5. Make more tea – having tea around just seems hospitable

6. Be the cool mom – not sure yet how I’ll achieve this, I think it involves cookies

7. Let my husband open the car door for me on dates – how romantic

8. Get up earlier – this definitely involves more coffee but I love coffee

9. Take tap lessons – my mom still taps & she’ll be 80 in October, no excuses

10. Pull out the tiara from time to time – it’s okay, I’m a daughter of the King

I’m sure I will add to this list as the big day approaches and I’m planning on laminating it and sticking it somewhere fabulous, like the laundry room…I spend a lot of time in there these days...maybe that's where I'll put my "Forty & Fabulous" sign as well.....