Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Recounting Costa Rica :)

Hi Friends,

As many of you know, my husband, Claude, and I traveled to Costa Rica earlier in January where I led worship for The Brook Ministry's 1st Sustainability Conference of 2011.  Wow, what the heck is a Sustainability Conference, you might ask?  Well, I found out for myself and got an eye opening dose of just how important it is for pastors and their spouses to keep their spiritual tanks filled and fend off what is making record numbers of pastors leave their post....burnout.

One afternoon near the end of the week, each couple shared their hearts and their testimonies.  Many relayed that they didn't realize just how tired they were and how badly they needed to be renewed and refreshed.  As a result of this conference, what was poured into each of those couples will also flow into their churches, their ministries, their families, and their's a beautiful vision of just how The Brook is helping to keep the church strong.  Check out their website at

We all had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Stuart and Jill Briscoe.  For more info, go to  I had no idea what a delightful treat this would be.  I don't think I stopped writing all week, frantically taking as many notes as I could in order to glean as many nuggets of truth from these wise and able teachers of the Word.  And what awesome examples they are of being in the race for the long haul as they have been serving in their capacity for many, many years together.  In fact, at 70 years of age, Stuart resigned from his position as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church  in Brookfield, Wisconsin, not to retire but to fulfill the calling to travel and teach the Word of God alongside his amazing wife, Jill.  And that was almost 10 years :)

It's funny how we have our "agenda" and our "work" cut out for us yet God has the divine agenda as always.  I went to Costa Rica in the capacity to lead worship and yet I ultimately found myself to be a student of the Word and of Life Lessons (as Jill refers to them) and walked away with a fresh sense of why it is that I do what I do.  Here are a few nuggets that I managed to pull from my scribbling of notes in my journal:

1) Stuart says, "Discipleship is learning to BE what I've BECOME."  It's a lifelong process that happens day by day when I am rooted in the Word of God.  Stay tuned for more "plant references" below....

2)Stuart Briscoe, "When we go and obediently comfort others, we discover deeper levels of God's comfort and encouragement for ourselves."  Funny how that works, we go to serve and are blessed tremendously in the process.  Lord, send me to comfort as I have received so much comfort from You...

3) Jill Briscoe said, "It takes wisdom to learn to be formidable while on my knees in prayer".....God please, grant me your wisdom indeed.  I want to be powerful and effective in my prayer life!

4) Sleep deprivation is better than God deprivation - Life Lesson from Jill Briscoe...she quoted
Psalm 90:12..."Teach me to number my days aright that I might gain a heart of wisdom"  (That word wisdom just keeps popping up....hmmm)

5) Another Life Lesson from Jill - Keep your roots in the river....Jeremiah 17:7-8 - "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."  

6) There is no short cut to keeping my leaves green (refer back to the tree mentioned in Jeremiah)...I love what my daughter Ava says, "Mommy, are we going to take the short cut or the long cut?"....I believe the "long cut" is needed when it comes to keeping our leaves green :)

7) The Spirit will take the Truth in general and make it the Truth in particular....ever feel like a message was made for you or that a verse you've read over and over again is suddenly jumping off the page at you, that's the Spirit doing its thing...I want more particulars, how about you?

8) On balancing family and ministry, Jill Briscoe gives this pearl of wisdom that God spoke to her..."Look after the things that are precious to ME and I'll look after the things that are precious to you." Lord, help me to discern YOUR will and YOUR priorities on a daily basis!  Otherwise, I'm hosed :)

9) Stuart shared this quote from Mark Twain, "My life has been full of many problems, most of which have never happened"......Philippians 4:6- "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Honest confession...I am a worrier by nature so I'm going to need to keep this familiar verse boldly written on the tablet of my heart.

10) My competence comes from God....2 Corinthians 3:5 - "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God."  This is huge for me.  It may not show but I always get nervous before leading worship....doesn't matter how big or small the group.  God, remind me of this equation daily:  Me (unsuitable) + You (completely suitable) = Sustainability to run the race for Your Kingdom :)

All in all, it was such a privilege to serve at this conference alongside Steve and Angela Lucas, their awesome kids, Stephanie and David, and Steve and Kelly Ezell, the Briscoes (& Carol and Jason Benoit, stateside!).  To be able to see & experience up close and personal just what The Brook Ministry is doing in Costa Rica was a real treat and testament to their obedience to God and their passion for His Church.....and getting to fly like superman on a crazy long zip line across a huge that was simply EXHILARATING!!!........Ya' would have been proud :)

Blessings to you my friends,
Rebecca :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this is insprirational! I especially loved the verse about keeping our roots in the river. I have never heard that, but it spoke to me on this brilliant Sunday morning. xo
